Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Macbeth Video


This link is a link to The Shakespeare Video's Society Production of Macbeth. As much as I enjoyed the movie we saw clips of in class of Macbeth when I had to watch the whole thing in a different class it put me to sleep. So this is a more theatrical version of the play. It is more colorful, sexualized, and a little over the top in some parts. I chose this video because I think that it is more entertaining, it's what one would see if they actually went to see a production of the play on stage. This particular production however, portrays Lady Macbeth to be more sexual than she seems in other productions and in the reading of the play, so maybe not appropriate for some high school levels if anyone was thinking of using this in the future for teaching. This clip illustrates the major themes in Macbeth and it also addresses the role of Lady Macbeth and depicts her in a different light. This video would be good to use in the classroom because it's not old and stuffy but at the same time it still follows the traditional Shakespearean language and doesn't go into modern realms that take away from the essence of the plot and storyline.

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