Thursday, May 12, 2011

David Tennant as Angelo in Measure for Measure

I have never watched the show Dr. Who, but I have seen David Tennant in other films and while searching for them came across this little jewel:

It's Act two scene four of Measure for Measure, done using a hand-held movie camera. It's shot to look like the actors are just people in a private area, unaware that someone is watching them (sounds like an actual movie, I know; you will understand when you watch the clip).

I think this is a good video to share with people because this scene is crucial in Measure for Measure. This is a turning point for both characters -Angelo has to admit that he has sexual feelings (feelings at all) for a woman, and Isabella must confront her values over saving her brother's life. I think this take on the act is perfect: Tennant plays this slightly awkward but intelligent Angelo, and the actress who plays Isabella (can't find her name) is so strong and yet naive. It's important to see different actors and actresses playing these roles: every person brings something new to the character.

My question for the video in general is this: How exact can any actor be in portraying a character of Shakespeare's plays? He doesn't give much description or stage directions within his plays; are the characters not one fluid person? Is everyone's portrayal of the characters correct?

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