Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Look Back

In this episode of Forgetful Tyler actually blogging, I would like to (finally) take a look back at the blog posts that I have completed in the time of this course. To start, my experience with blogging has almost always taken the same route each and every time: wild enthusiasm at the beginning degenerating into "oh wait, I have one of these?" It's happened to me with Blogspot, Twitter, Tumblr, and even that old relic of a music Myspace page. Perhaps I missed the boat on the internet as a social tool and I still see it as an emporium of funny cat pictures. Perhaps I need to buy a planner so I don't forget to blog for the sake of followers, a portfolio of writing or, my goodness, my GPA! Whatever the case is, as a writer I should find a way to better connect myself to this tool. It's the future, after-all.

"Meaningful LOLs" was a great opening blast. Shots at Mel Gibson, a videoclip where everyone thought I was one of the actors, I noticed Shakespeare's awesome use of contrast in A Midsummer Night's Dream. "Hollywood Shakespeare" took the wonderful turn where I discovered my research paper topic (the comparison between Hollywood and BBC handling of Shakespearean works) and found myself intrigued with how the big screen handles the works of the Bard. "Game of Catch-Up" found me pondering the absolute evil of King Richard III (and possibly being the first academic scholar to use the term "gnarliest" in a description).

And all the sudden, I see that as the semester raged on, my enthusiasm for blogging vanished as per my star-crossed relationship with social tools. Neverminding the possibility of a late-night shock of Tyler humor hitting the blog in this last two weeks, I find myself on the fence about this tool. As awesome as it is to have a venue to consistently write about Shakespearean works as I digest them, it gets pretty daunting to consistently keep a solid voice all throughout without falling into the world of dreadful posts. I'll figure you out, blogging. One day.

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