Thursday, May 13, 2010

Henry V- Speech

This is perhaps my favorite speech from any of the plays that we have read this semester. King Henry’s St. Crispin’s Day speech is so moving. The rhetoric that he utilizes prompts the unity of England (so much so that it even makes me want to fight for England). His attention to lasting honor, and his references to his soldiers as “brothers” just oozes English pride and cause a willingness to fight. I think that this speech shows the true power of language, and how words have the power to inspire people and accomplish greatness.

Questions that this clip might raise:
What is the true power or language? We see that in this speech, language is used for the greater good of the nation of England, but can powerful language also have “bad” intentions as well? What constitutes effective rhetoric? Do leaders nowadays still rely on the power of language? Currently, are more or less people in the world able to effectively utilize language as a means of power and control?

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